d White Pass Ski Patrol

White Pass Ski Patrol

You Fall we Haul


Brews, Brats, & Boards Fundraiser for the White Pass Volunteer Ski Patrol
What: Local Craft Brews, Brats and a Silent Auction
When: December 3rd from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Where: White Pass Lodge


About About About
Our goal is to assist guests of the White Pass ski area regardless of the snow or weather conditions. Please see our links to membership requirements for additional information about our patrol.

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Joining the White Pass Ski Patrol

Candidate Program

Our basic goal is to promote safe skiing practices and help the injured, sick, and lost guests of the White Pass Co. ski area. To accomplish this goal, White Pass Ski Patrollers have skills in outdoor emergency care (OEC), avalanche awareness, CPR &AED, chair-lift evaluation, mountain travel and rescue, and patient transport utilizing rescue toboggans. Applications are always considered for new membership for alpine and nordic patrollers. Potential new members, applicants, are invited to ski with members of the patrol for the applicant screening program. An applicant's skiing and snowboard skills are evaluated during the applicant screening program. The applicant must successfully perform the skiing or snowboard skills as requested by the evaluator/s for acceptance into the White Pass Ski Patrol's (WPSP) Candidate program. Before acceptance into the general membership, the applicant must successfully complete the WPSP's candidate program and be approved by the WPSP board. Currently active NSP alpine and nordic patrollers wishing to transfer to White Pass are required to participate in the applicant screening program. Successful transfer applicants are required to participate in an accelerated on-the-hill training program. Before acceptance into the general membership, the transferring patroller must successfully complete the WPSP's accelerated on-the-hill training program and be approved by the WPSP board.


There are two ways to Donate:


WP Volunteer Patrol Attn: Treasurer 48935 US Hwy 12 Naches, WA 98937

h4>Electronically PayPal


  • White Pass Ski Patrol PO Box 3030 White Pass, WA 98937

    Member Area